I Heart The Office!

My sister introduced me to the television show The Office. And I heart it. I saw Seasons 1 and 2 on dvd in the past week (I watched all of Season 2 between last night and today). The only problem now is that they are half way through Season 3, so I have missed several episodes and it won't come out on dvd until at least this summer... hmm, problem. But you want to know the one thing I heart even more than The Office? Jim Halpert/John Krasinski (character/actor). He is on the show and I have a huge crush on him. I know what you are saying, you are 25 years old (turning 26 in 2 1/2 months) and crushes on famous people at this age is a little weird, and usually I would agree. It has been many years since I have had a crush on a star. But Jim/John is so an exception. In fact, if I could find a real life guy here in Minnecrap that looks like Jim/John, makes the same facial expressions, has the same sense of humor and is as nice, sweet and kind as him, so basically exactly like Jim/John, I would have to marry him. That is how much I heart him.


teacherwoman said…
Crushes are okay! I don't think there is anything wrong with it.

Why do you call it Minnecrap...isn't that where you chose to live? I would love to live in the cities!
cdoc said…
Family thing, we all call it Minnecrap, not sure why, but we have called it that for years.
I have never seen The Office.

Le sigh.
Anonymous said…
Oh good, I'm glad you have high standards for finding a partner, but come ON - he's A FICTIONAL CHARACTER!!

I'm 34 and have crushes on many of my other boyfriends - Matthew McConaughey first and foremost. How can you NOT love a man who plays bongo drums in the nude ...
cdoc said…
bdoc, if you watched it you would love him too. And for some reason I think his real life persona is similar to his character, at least it seemed to be when I saw him on Ellen. So I heart the real life version too.
LH said…
i have a crush on him too.
so does my teen daughter.
the guy's perfect.
the show is perfect.

i'm probably going to buy the dvd's and i never do that. so that means something.
teacherwoman said…
I will have to admit, I do like The Office, but the originals are much better.

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