
I am so bored. I don't like having nothing to do all day. It is fine when it is just for a week or two, but not a month and a half. I want a job. I want to meet new friends. I want to meet a guy. But I don't have skills in any of those areas. "I'm so bored, so bored, sitting in the corner." For those of you that watched early 90's sitcoms, you will get that quote.


teacherwoman said…
Is that from Full House?
I don't get that quote. I don't think I watched enough early nineties tv. The shame of it.

I got your gift in the mail. I hate checking the mail so I just got it last night. Thanks!! It's so cute. It made me want to cuddle up with my blankie. Yours will be in the mail soon.

Happy New Year!

Also, if you are bored... try volunteering. Often gives you skills you don't have, introduces you to people, gets you out of the house, and could lead to a job. That or you should start hooking. :)
cdoc said…
That is from Full House! Good job, A for you. And volunteering is a great idea, I am planning on looking into that. Happy New Year!
Anonymous said…
Also, volunteering gives you more credentials on your resume - not that you need more. But it's another bonus of an already win-win situation.
JackAttack said…
Jack, Gavin, and Ozzy want another Cassie visit sometime soon!!!
Anonymous said…
If you're so bored, maybe you should be writing more blogs ... just a thought.
teacherwoman said…
Thanks for the advice on job hunting! And, no, I am not soley making any decisions based on salary. I was just stating facts! Don't worry, the Carolina's are still definitely in the running...on top!

If you are bored, you can always come visit me! And Bring JDG with you! I would like to come to the cities to visit sometime in the near future! I have a couple long weekends in March. maybe?! We'll have to see!
teacherwoman said…
P.S. I don't charge rent for visitors that used to be old roommates... and I might even buy you a meal?!!?

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