We won the battle, but not the war.

Whales are safe for now. Japan needed 75% percent of the nations in the IWC to be on their side for whaling, only half were. The bad thing is that the vote was 33-32, the bigger number being for whaling. It is looking more and more like commercial whaling will eventually be back. Even with the ban still on, 2,400 whales will still be killed in the next 12 months. The sad part about this all is that there is no way to know for sure how many whales there are, they are too hard to count. When a whale is killed, it could be the last of its kind and we may not even know it. I won't let this happen, not without a fight. There has to be more I can do.


teacherwoman said…
I am right there with you girl!!! Let me know what I can do!
Good news for now. Perhaps you coule write or call one of these organizations dedicated to banning and keeping banned commercial whaling and they would have information for you, activities, ways you can help.
cdoc, where've you been? Getting worried...

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