Camera in hand, what a great day!

Yesterday was a great day. I decided to go on one of the walks suggested in a book I bought about nature walks in Connecticut. I went to Sherwood Island State Park. My employers told me before hand that it wasn't that nice of a park, but I have found that most things they don't enjoy, I love. So instead of their opinion deterring me, it made me want to go more. And I loved it. It was a beautiful day, sunny, breezy and in the 60's. Not warm enough for summer clothes, but perfect weather to walk and explore. There were so many people there enjoying the weather, walking, biking, picnicking (yes, that is the way you spell it), flying kites, playing with their dogs and kids. I talked to my parents on the phone when I arrived to the park and told them I was looking out at the ocean at a beautiful park and I would take them there when they came to visit. My Mom asked me if I was going to take pictures (of course I brought my photography equipment), I told her that there wasn't much to take pictures of, so probably not too many. Who was I kidding? I am a photographer, I can find photos in everything. I brought my digital to snap a few shots for the blog and to send to my family, but I took 2 rolls of film on my camera. I was really enjoying the day, walking around, photographing, listening to the waves and feeling the wind on my face. When I arrived at a garbage can out on the peak of the beach, I reached the downer of the day. There was garbage all around the can, but none actually in it. So I did my usual, I started to pick up garbage. And once you look, you see the garbage everywhere. Before I knew it, I spent a half hour picking up garbage and putting it in the trash can. It made me sad that instead of helping me, people were actually stopping to watch. At one point, I turned and looked at a couple and almost told them "Either help me, or stop starring". Of course I didn't, but I wanted to. I know people don't intentionally try to make the park less beautiful by putting their trash on the ground, but they are naive to think that it doesn't make it less attractive of a place. I finally had to make myself stop looking, I couldn't pick it all up. It is 1.5 mile long beach, I would have spent all day doing it if I didn't make myself stop. It made me feel good to do my part, but I am glad I stopped looking for the bad and went back to seeing the beautiful. After, I watched a man playing with his 2 yellow labs. I watched a little girl standing in hole and picking up rocks. I watched two boys carry buckets of water from the ocean to their mother, who acted like it was a wonderful gift. I took pictures of a red wagon in the green grass on the edge of the beach with bright blue water. I felt and listened to the crunch of millions of seashells beneath my feet. I felt the soft sand beneath my toes. I watched the waves wash over the rocks. I enjoyed my day. I was relaxed. And happy. And it made me ready to face the week. Like my Dad said last night, "Of course it was a good day, you had your camera in your hands. Your camera is to you what my fishing is to me." Well put Dad, well put. And today, I am in a good mood and less stressed, so apparently yesterday was worth a lot, I would say about 60 photographs worth.


Anonymous said…
HOLD ON - what are those hats? Hilarious is what I would say they are. Were they seriously wearing them?
cdoc said…
Yes, bdoc, they were. And everyone that walked by was smiling at them and a lot were taking photos. And they didn't care. Good for them!
teacherwoman said…
Good for them! Good for you cdoc! I love hearing about your photography and your outings! I hope you have a wonderful week! I want to see more pictures!
Anonymous said…
People stopped to look at you pick up trash when they had the two mad-hatters to look at instead? People. They're the worst.
Anonymous said…
I did finally read your entry. I am glad you enjoyed the day. I hope you have many more of those days, because you are a much calmer person when you are doing what you love most.
Sounds like a great day. I hope to see more of your shots... and I would have helped you pick up trash. Litter makes me angry.

However, hats make me happy. I want to make friends with the hat men. Perhaps we can wear hats one day while we pick up garbage and just see what people have to say then. But I think the hats should have chin straps... good sturdy chin straps. :)

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