
I spent the weekend in New Jersey with my good friend from photography school. It was a nice and relaxing weekend. We, of course, stayed up too late talking (she is a night owl), but that was okay because we slept in the next morning. It was nice to be with someone that is easy to be with and someone that understands just how much I miss photography school. We reminisced about the summer, about our friends and classes. It was nice to talk about one of the best time of our lives, but it only made me miss it more. Like she said, "I feel like we are on summer break from college and we are going to go back to RMSP soon, but we're not". We talked about how nobody else can really understand what it was like unless they were there. It was the time of our lives, when we were most confident with our photography, when we thought we really were good, when we were with people just like us. Now we look at our photos and think we suck, saying how we used to be good, we used to know what we were doing. In reality, we are still good, but we had a comfort there, a safe place that showed us everyday that we were wonderful photographers; now we doubt ourselves everyday. We also went to have a massage yesterday before I left, which was SO relaxing. I discovered that I am extremely ticklish on the whole left side of my back, so not too much work was done on my back because I kept squirming and trying not to laugh. Regardless, it was well needed and enjoyable. It was a great weekend of relaxation, spending too much money and reminiscing. The only downer was realizing I will never feel again what I felt last summer. I will never be able to go back. But I will always have the memories, the knowledge, the friendship, the love, the family. And those things are priceless.
Glad you had a good time. I've thought about getting a massage, but then I just don't know. I asked Andrew for a back rub once, but ah... it felt better when he wasn't doing it. Doesn't quite have the technique down.
And, cdoc, you're good at photography. You know you are, you can feel that you are, just because you left a place of comfort does not mean you should doubt your talents. That is like telling a ballerina that she should feel like a horrible dancer when she is sitting in a movie theater. Bah! Take photos and know that you are good, believe that they are good picture. I must go before I am late for work.