Rain, rain go away...

Happy Earth Day everyone! I hope you all find some way to celebrate the day. I, unfortunately, won't be doing too much celebrating. Every event I found to partake in will most likely not happen. Why? Because its raining. The Weather Channel predicts 100% chance of rain all day today, 100% chance tomorrow, 60% on Monday, 30% on Tuesday. We even have flood warnings in some areas due to all the rain expected. If I wasn't going to attend an event, I was at least going to pick up trash somewhere and photograph the process, but I won't be doing that now. I mean, I could do it in my raincoat with my umbrella, but the idea of picking up soggy trash doesn't sound too appealing, plus, it is quite cold out. But don't worry, I will find a way to celebrate, maybe just a little late. In Connecticut, they call April Earth Month (smart people), so there are still events for me to attend next weekend. And I can pick up trash then. And S was disappointed to hear that she wouldn't be able to pick up trash today, she is learning about it in school and from me. So one day this week, I will take her to pick up trash (I won't tell the father beforehand, he won't like it, germs and dirt and all). Not sure what I will do with S2, stroller maybe? I will figure it out. If you can do something today to celebrate our Earth, please do it for me! I will be inside, listening to the rain. I guess its proof that no matter how much we destory the Earth, Mother Nature is still in control.


Anonymous said…
Great last line. So true. Does working in my yard count? I'm going to rake and mow -- and I will pick up any trash that's in my way.
cdoc said…
Of course it counts, your yard has grass and trees, all part of nature.
I picked up garbage near the garages of my apartment building as I walked by. I also cleaned out my car and my garage, and while it didn't improve the world's environment; it improved mine and I needed a little improvement. :) But I am finding stuff to give away and I did find some cans to recycle.

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