Rain, rain go away...

Happy Earth Day everyone! I hope you all find some way to celebrate the day. I, unfortunately, won't be doing too much celebrating. Every event I found to partake in will most likely not happen. Why? Because its raining. The Weather Channel predicts 100% chance of rain all day today, 100% chance tomorrow, 60% on Monday, 30% on Tuesday. We even have flood warnings in some areas due to all the rain expected. If I wasn't going to attend an event, I was at least going to pick up trash somewhere and photograph the process, but I won't be doing that now. I mean, I could do it in my raincoat with my umbrella, but the idea of picking up soggy trash doesn't sound too appealing, plus, it is quite cold out. But don't worry, I will find a way to celebrate, maybe just a little late. In Connecticut, they call April Earth Month (smart people), so there are still events for me to attend next weekend. And I can pick up trash then. And S was disappointed to hear that she wouldn't be able to pick up trash today, she is learning about it in school and from me. So one day this week, I will take her to pick up trash (I won't tell the father beforehand, he won't like it, germs and dirt and all). Not sure what I will do with S2, stroller maybe? I will figure it out. If you can do something today to celebrate our Earth, please do it for me! I will be inside, listening to the rain. I guess its proof that no matter how much we destory the Earth, Mother Nature is still in control.