Please Watch!
I just watched something that terrified me. I still have tears in my eyes and I can't seem to stop shaking. After watching it, I walked past my cd player and it was still on. I haven't listened to it in days. I then went to unplug every single thing in my room, yanking the plugs out of the wall while filled with anger (items plugged in, even if not on, are sucking up energy, raising your energy bills and contributing to the destruction of our planet). Sure, it will be an inconvience tonight to have to plug in the tv, lamp and cell phone charger when I go to use them, but not as inconvient as a destroyed home. Watch this trailer for a film coming out this summer called "An Inconvient Truth." No explanation needed, but be prepared to be terrified, sad, hopeless and empowered all at the same time, that is how I feel. Thanks bdoc for the link.