Global Warming... again

With Earth week here, I am sure it will come as no surprise that I am going to talk about global warming. It is no longer a matter of when the negative effects will appear, they are here now. For those of you that doubt it, get out from under your rocks. If it is proof that you need, look at the news story about the poor baby walruses that are being abandoned by their mothers due to melting ice and warming waters. The babies were crying out to boats, sure to die because they are still too young to fend for themselves. Just looking at the picture will break your heart. If it is pictures you need, look at the photographic evidence of the crazy rate that the glaciers in our beloved, beautiful Glacier National Park are melting. It is here, the proof is all around us and we can only try and hope that we can somehow reverse the effects. This is why it is so important to do something for the environment, not only on Earth Day, but everyday. We are killing off our home. On a good note, magazines are putting the issue of global warming on the front pages. Newsweek, Time and Vanity Fair (yes, I did say Vanity Fair) are the recent magazines to put this issue on their covers. And I give props to Vanity Fair, a fashion magazine, to put such an important issue on their cover, calling the magazine their "First Green Issue". My employer has a subscription to it and I have never really looked at it, but this issue was great, they won my approval. The best way to bring awareness to global warming and other environmental issues is by having these and other influential magazines, newspapers and individuals speak out on their importance.


I feel a bit hopeless when it comes to Global Warming. Even if we all stopped driving today, it will take hundreds of years for the planet to repair what we've done to it. I'm not saying that we shouldn't participate in trying to lessen greenhouse gas emissions, but I just feel so helpless to really make a difference.
teacherwoman said…
I will have to agree with girl of approval. I also feel a little bit of helplessness.Is that even a word? Hmm. I look forward to more of your entries on Global warming and such. Do you have any activity ideas I could do with my students?? I am struggling.
Anonymous said…
You are definitely speaking out on the issues of global warming. If everyone did that,it could really make a difference.
cdoc said…
I understand the feeling of being hopeless and helpless and maybe it is too late for us. But it isn't too late for our children and grandchildren. The things we do now will make or break their futures. Evidence shows that as early as the year 2100, sea-levels will rise enough to flood New York City, parts of Washington DC, San Francisco and many other cities and towns in the US and around the world. That is in 94 years!!! We won't see it happen, our kids might, but our grandkids definately will and I don't want mine to live through this. I want them to see the beauty of our world, get to spend time at the beaches we have now, enjoy nature and spend time in these wonderful cities. If we don't do something about it now, they won't get those things. So don't lose hope. It may be too late for us, but we are responsible for future generations and there, we can make a difference. And if you want to do something but can't do much, change your light bulbs to compact flourescent (they cost more but last up to 7x longer), recylce and walk when you can. Those are easy things we can do now. Teacherwoman, I will email with some ideas for your students.

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