Brilliant colors everywhere

I took a road trip today by myself to northeastern Connecticut. It was beautiful up there. The leaves are almost at peak, so the colors were amazing. I had forgotten that there are some mountains in that corner of the state. For a few hours, I forgot where I was and basked in my day. My intent was to take a lot of photos, but I didn't take all that many. And that's okay, because as John Mayer sings in 3x5, sometimes you need to put the camera down and see the world with both your eyes. And even though my camera wasn't always to my eye, I was seeing the world in photographs. Every moment of the drive, I couldn't look somewhere without thinking what an amazing photograph it would be. And it felt great. I saw this state with both my eyes and remembered the beauty it has. I forgot about it and got a little cynical because I wasn't happy with where I was in my life. But I am back on track and can see the beauty everywhere. There were 3 moments that stand out in my day. One, when I was driving down the road, no cars in front of me or behind. The road was about to curve and I was surrouned by tall trees on each side and the leaves were falling over me like brightly colored snow. Another moment, when I came around a curve and saw tree covered mountains in colors of bright red, orange and yellow. I gasped, the beauty literally knocked the breath out of me. And yet another, when I came upon a pond surrounded by the vivid colors of trees with an old man sitting on a rock underneath a huge oak tree, fishing pole in hand; down the way, a woman sitting on a chair reading a book, while acorns fell from the trees like hail from the sky, making plops in the pond. Today I felt like I stepped out of Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken, and let me just say, "... that has made all the difference."


teacherwoman said…
Beautiful post Cdoc. Makes me want to move to the east coast even more! I hope you had a wonderful day!
Anonymous said…
Very literary. You are my sister after all.
That was wonderful. You know, sometimes I think it's wrong to take pictures of beauty, that you cannot capture all that loveliness in a photo and thus should not try to take that photo... to not trap beauty into a little box.
Anonymous said…
What a lovely day. I wish I was there to share it with you. I think I'll take a drive in the mountains - you've inspired me.

Great post - I could picture it vividly.
cdoc said…
Thanks for the compliments. I guess you rubbed off on me jdoc.

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