
I called my Mom to tell her that the parents are back and that I am responsibility-free in the evenings and weekends again. She didn't answer, but returned my phone call soon after. I told her my news, and she shared with me that she was about to head into the new Target. We are a family of Target-lovers, what's not to love? As she walked in, she said "it's huge." I tried talking to her, but could tell that she was distracted. She started to ask me something, "Did you... you should see the card section, it is like the one in Grand Forks." I, again, tried to change the subject back to what I was talking about. I finally let her go because she needed to finish shopping in there before returning home to watch Lost, throwing in "it has a Starbucks" before we said our goodbyes. A few minutes later my phone rings. It is my Mom again, she called to say "You should see all the food they have. They have a lot of organic food, organic oatmeal and organic tea. Here, I will tell you the kinds of organic tea they have." I listen, finding it quite amusing how much she was enjoying this and laughing a little on the inside. "They have vanilla chai, Tazo Chai, you like Tazo Chai, don't you?" "Yes Mom, that is what they have at Starbucks." "It's organic. Well, I better go, I am going to buy some organic oatmeal." It was a fun conversation, rarely do I hear my Mom have that much excitment in her voice. I am glad she enjoyed herself and put a smile on my face.


Anonymous said…
This cracks my shit up. I wish I had answered my phone when she called me today. (I wasn't being a bad daughter; I was just having coffee with my pal Molly).
teacherwoman said…
That is so funny! You're mom is so cute! I can't wait to see the new Target in the Bizo! Maybe you and I could hit it up when you get back to the Midwest?!?! Hmm??
teacherwoman said…
...have a little Starbucks and talk about our imaginary weddings??!?!
Anonymous said…
Can't you tell that food is one of the things that really excites me? I am glad you all are getting a laugh out of this one. We all need it.
cdoc said…
Mdoc, we aren't laughing at you, we are enjoying your enjoyment! teacherwoman, we will have to hit it up when we are in the biz.
Anonymous said…
STARBUCKS??? Disturbing to me. I love Target but I try to tell myself it's not a big conglomerate that I have to avoid. Blissfully unaware until they throw it in my face with a blaring Starbucks sign. Ugh. Why couldn't they get a Mom and Pop shop in there so I wouldn't have to be confronted with my own morals and principals - every time I step foot in there ....
cdoc said…
Target donates a lot of money, 10% of the yearly profits before taxes, to all kinds of charities, often environmental ones. Does that help you out at all? And if our other option is Walmart, we know damn well that Target is better:).
Fargo has a big Target, it's not a Super Targer, just a big Target. It's got Starbucks.

I tend to shop at Walmart. I know, I am horrible. But it's the only place open after I get off work except for grocery stores and it's hard to get up before work and get to Target. I am evil. :(

But I am glad your mom had fun and I can't wait to see the new Target in Biz.
Anonymous said…
hilarious! We must all be related, I'm a Targ'et lover too. No, we're not laughing at you Mdoc, but I can sooo imagine the whole conversation and hear the words coming out of your mouth ;o) And Bdoc, sorry to hear you are faced with that decision EVERY time you go in there...hee hee!

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