Power of persuasion

Baby S is sick. S is sick. The mother, L, is sick. I believe in the power of positive thinking and I have been taking Airborne for the past two days. I have been trying my best to wash my hands as much as I can, but it's impossible to stay away from the germs. It isn't like working with older kids, where you can make them wash their hands everytime they cough or sneeze. I am working with a baby who has her hands in her mouth all day. When I feed her a meal, she tries to put food in my mouth and if I don't let her, she gets upset, so I am doing my best to prevent it. And I can't help but giving her kisses because she is so damn cute. And of course, there is the living with the kids thing, that doesn't make it easier either. I had covinced myself that I wasn't going to get sick, but that was before L and I took Baby S to the doctor for her 1 year appointment. The doctor asked if I was sick and I said no, then he looked at me and said, "You'll be sick next." Now, I also believe in the power of persuasion, and when a medical doctor tells you that you are going to get sick, it is hard not to believe it. All day I have been trying to convince myself that the doctor is wrong, but ever since then, I have had a sore throat. I am not sure if it is because I am actually getting sick or because of what the doctor said, but either way, if this ruins my weekend, I will not be happy. Stupid doctors, what do they know anyway.


cdoc said…
Perhaps the power of suggestion would work better than persuasion, oh well, I was tired when I wrote this.
teacherwoman said…
I hope you don't get sick! I will be sending you "healthy" vibes! Have a wonderful weekend!

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