Sweet freedom in 19 sleeps

It has been awhile since I posted a real entry. Not for lack of subject, but because I have too much to say. I have a lot of things going on in my life right now, a lot of things I am feeling. I am getting myself ready (mentally, not so much physically yet) to make another change in my life. I have always thought I was one that doesn't like change, but evidence seems to prove otherwise. Since graduating from college in December 2004, I am about to make my 5th move to my 4th location. And moving isn't the only change, there was the job back home that I started and quit in a short time, photography school in Montana, and being a nanny in Connecticut. All in a month shy of 2 years. So apparently I like change. But this move will be the last one I will make in awhile. I am getting anxious to leave. There are so many things I am looking forward to when I leave here, and not just seeing my family and friends (although that is the big one). I have been making a mental list of all the things I will be able to do and enjoy once I leave here (it helps me get through) such as silence (doesn't happen with kids around), buying and eating whatever I want, being able to talk on a my phone, etc. Leaving the kids will be hard, but everyday I think it will be less hard than I thought. There are so many frustrations, so many things I hate about this job. And while I love these kids, knowing I am leaving in less than 3 weeks makes me feel blissful. Yesterday the mother was complaining about what a bad day she was having because S was pulling her in all directions with things she wanted to do and Baby S was cranky because she wouldn't nap (for the past week Baby S has decided she doesn't need naps, apparently she didn't get the memo that says 13 month olds should still be taking 2-3 hours of naps a day). And all I wanted to say is now you know how I feel. So nothing seems more exciting and wonderful than leaving here in 19 sleeps; it is about the best thing I can imagine.


teacherwoman said…
So what are your plans for when you get back to the Midwest?? Will I get to see you at all??
Anonymous said…
Are you going to Bis or straight to Minne-crap? Maybe you should take a trip through Montana while you're on the whirlwind tour of America.
:) Everyone wants a piece of you.

You've been away from home far too long, girl. It's time to come home and spread your wings in a new direction, upward.
Anonymous said…
Happy to hear that you are finally going to be close to home....If you get bored come visit Portland!?
cdoc said…
If I could go to all places to see all of you, I would.

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