I want a place to call my own.

This morning L brought the kids up to the playroom again. I didn't mind because I was awake and they came up while I was in the shower. But they turned the heat on up on the third floor (each floor has its own control). I know that doesn't sound like a big deal, it is only highs in the 50s and lows in the 30s. But I like this weather, when you don't need the air or the heat on. At night I crack my windows and it gets all cold in my room, so I can cozy up under two blankets, a sheet and the down comforter and I am perfect. I sleep so much better that way. And yes, I can turn the heat off when they go back downstairs. I am always hot when I get out of the shower, and where I get dressed in my room, the vent blows right on me (it blows on me when I sleep too) and the vent is stuck in the open position, so I can't close it. So I closed the other vent and the bathroom vent and opened my windows more so I wouldn't croak from the heat. But I was still pissed. Not at them, it is L's house, she can do what she wants. And she is always cold, she wears sweaters when it is 70 or 80 degrees outside. But clearly, this wasn't just about her turning on the heat. It was just proof that I have no space that is my own here. No space that they can't encroach on. I have to open up my bathroom door when I leave (there is one door that leads to my room and one to the hall) otherwise they will come into my room to go to the bathroom, so I can't even keep my room private. I am sure they wonder why when they come up to talk to me that I always stand right at the door or sometimes close it and talk to them in the hallway. It is my way of trying to keep it my own. I know I have my own things, but when L does come up to speak to me, S comes barging in and thinks that she can touch and play with anything she wants. I try not to sound so strict about it, so I don't say too much, but neither does L and that is what annoys me. My computer and my car are really the only things I have here that they can't get into (password on my computer). They said I could continue to drive the Jeep while I am here on the weekends, and I am sure most would say that I should, but I like driving my own car now because I can do whatever I want in there, it is mine. The longer I am here, the more resentful I am that I have no privacy and no space for my own. 34 more sleeps people, 34. I can't believe how fast it is coming, but I am so happy it is. There is nothing that I want more right now than to leave here (well, expect world peace, a new president, etc.).


teacherwoman said…
Oh, I too like that weather and having the window's open during the night for that cool fall air...And I also am extremely warm when I get out of the shower...

34 sleeps, cdoc. And then what? What are your plans for when you come back, besides moving to the cities?!?

Thanks for the leg pain advice. I still don't know if it is shin splints becuase I have had them before, and this time it feels different. But, today after work, I will be heading to Scheels to look at shoes! It has been about 6 months and most of my miles were put on outside on the darn cement!
No open windows when I sleep. I like to be WARM. :) But I tend to sleep in a cocoon and that adds extra warmth.

I understand about not having your own space and they really should respect that area designated as your room. The fact that they don't makes me wonder about their manners. Money doesn't buy politeness.

A month and you're outta there! :)


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