Frustration abound
I hate being a mother. When I have my own kids, I am sure I won't hate it and I am actually still looking forward to being one someday. Suprisingly, S is fine, she is not bothering me. It is the little one, the 1 year old (her birthday was last Wednesday). I used to love kids this age, but that was when I wasn't living with one and being with one 24/7. Even when the parents get back in 2 days (THANK GOD!), I still don't think I will enjoy her. I am trying to, I really am. I love that she says words now, such as my name, quack, teddy, etc. I love that she plays peek-a-boo by covering her eyes with her own hands. I love that she is trying to blow kisses. What I hate is that she now wants to be held ALL THE TIME. She grabs onto my legs, looks up at me and whines. That's right, she is whining. I hate whining. Then there are the temper tantrums she is already throwing, she arches her back when you try to pick her up or falls on the floor screaming and kicking. Then there is the stair climbing, if you turn your back for a second, she is half-way up them. She eats dog hair, she hangs from the oven doors, she pulls stuff off the counter, she puts her hand in the toilet water, she unrolls the toilet paper, she eats the dog food. This job is HARD. I leave in less than 47 days and I am trying really hard to enjoy them, but I am getting more and more excited to leave here everyday.
I can get you some infant restraints from work. ;) Just tie the little monster to the bed or even some pole in the basement.
Good thing I don't have kids. ;)
Good luck with it girl. And just remember... her parents come home soon. Also, when you are a mother, unless you're a stay at home mom which doesn't happen all that often anymore, you aren't with your own kids 24/7. And unless you're a single parent, there's someone else to pitch in.