Conversation with a 2 year old

Me: Why?
B: I have an owie on there.
Me: Can I see?
B: It's on my arm. Under my sleeve.
Me: How did you get an owie on your arm?
B: I throw a toy. It hit my arm.
Me: That's why we don't throw toys.
B: Yeah. I hit my head. Like this. On the floor.
Me: When you throw a fit, you hit your head, don't you?
B: Yeah. Baby cries. Like this, (rubbing eyes) "Wah! Wah!"
Me: Do you cry like that?
B: No, baby cries like that.
Me: What baby?
B: When baby is mad.
Me: What baby?
B: I have a baby. At home.
Me: It's at home?
B: Yeah.
Another 2 year old interjects:
P: No, I have a baby at home.
B (angrily): No, I have a baby at home!
B (angrily): No, I have a baby at home!
P: My mama.
B (angrily): No, no, no, no, my mama!
B (angrily): No, no, no, no, my mama!
And so are the conversations of my day.