Happy New Year

I didn't do as well as I had hoped with this blogging challenge. But I have posted more this year than I have the last 4 years, so I will call it a success. And I plan on next year being even better.

I've never been big on New Year's resolutions. Seems ridiculous that you decide at the beginning of the year to do some things that you couldn't follow through with on previous years.

Well, I guess this year I have a resolution. Or more so, resolutions, plural. Or maybe they are more goals than resolutions. Maybe that is the same thing. I really don't know. Some are big things, some are little things. But all things, I think, will make me a better person.

Here's my list:

1. Make one close friend in Helena. One that I can call up to go for a glass of wine when it's been a bad day or to go get coffee on a weekend morning. I know this won't be easy, I'll have to put myself out there. I am reading a book that may help me with this task, MWF Seeking BFF.

2. Take at least one trip for myself. Some place I really want to go to again or some place I've never been. Maybe even to NYC for NYE next year!

3. Save money. Money for health insurance, money for retirement, money just to save.

4. Get whatever I will need to start a photography business (ex. a flash).

5. Say no more. No, I don't want to do that. No, I am not busy, I just don't want to. No, I really don't like that. No.

6. Read more. Books, magazines, blogs, just read more.

7. Watch more movies. Start checking off all on my list of movies that I've had forever. See all the Oscar contenders and all the lowest rated movies of the year. I love getting lost in movies.

8. Take more photographs. I have done a good job with this the past 6 months, but I can always do better. And practice makes every photo better.

9. Blog more. Starting today.

10. Find love. Obviously not the easiest. Actually, probably the hardest. Again, I will have to put myself out there. Take chances. Speak up. Ask guys out, in person, not just online. But I can do this. I'm ready for love.

I am labeling this post because in 1 year, I will check back in hopes of accomplishing these 10 things, if not more. Happy New Year!


jdoc said…
Good luck! I'm rooting for you!
Anonymous said…
Tough to do list, but you can do it. Keep your chin and a smile on your face.
Anonymous said…
That is supposed to be "chin up"
cdoc said…
Nice to see your comment, Ddoc! Thanks.

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