Bad Day

Kids must have some sort of bad day radar. When they sense you are having a bad day, they decide to be a pain in the ass. I didn't sleep well last night, am completely exhausted and not feeling the best, so the little girl I watched decided to make my bad day even more miserable. One would think that a 4 year old girl wouldn't be all that vindictive, but one would be wrong. They are great at being bossy, lying, ignoring, and making babies cry intentionally, all while fooling their parents into thinking they are angels. Oh, but beware little girl, because I see through it all. I see when you color all over the carseat after your mom tells you not to, I see when you give the dog 7 dog biscuits and tell your mom you only gave him one, I see it when you take out the baby's pacifier and say "it just fell out" and when you poke at her until you make her cry so you can hold her after your mom says "she is happy, just leave her alone, only pick her up if she cries". I can't wait until the mother goes back to work, because I seem to see everything she misses and this little girl will get away with nothing. This isn't just the bad day talking, I saw her ways long before today.


Anonymous said…
I think you should discreetly, secretly and without Mama's notice, let that little brat know that you can see everything she does. She will start to wonder and maybe stop being a little spoiled brat.
jm said…
What a child really wants is to know that they are being seen - being watched - being paid some attention. But you know that. She's lucky to have you. Wish there had been a cdoc in my life.
LH said…
use that signal deniro uses with ben stiller in meet the parents. fingers in a v, pointing to your eyes, and then at the kid.

(love your blog!)
Anonymous said…
Nanny 911 to the rescue! You'll have her in shape in no time!

Great entry!
cdoc said…
Oh, she knows that I see what she does, she thinks its a game, like "ha, you can't tell me what to do and mom doesn't see it, so I win." But she is slowly learning that she won't get away with much when I'm around... which is why I think she already likes me so much. She just needs some tough love. And I will keep the meet the parents signal in mind. Thanks for reading my blog!
Anonymous said…
Tough Love Schmuff Love; I say just kick her.

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