Running naked

When did we reach the age that we cared what people thought? There is a guest staying here this weekend and it is a teenage boy. The little girl I watch had never met him before. Last night she was running around the house with her shirt off, sitting on the boy's lap. I asked her why she had it off and she said because she was hot. She obviously doesn't care about her body yet, it has to be great to have such freedom.

On another note, when I moved here, I never considered that a different place would have different spiders. I have had to kill two so far and I had never seen either kind before. Do they have poisonous spiders in Connecticut?


Anonymous said…
I think for you, all spiders are poisonous. Just kidding! I have no idea.
Anonymous said…
Glad to have a couple entries to read. Keep it up, seestar.

Yes. The spiders are definitely poisonous. And they'll go up your nose at night.
Anonymous said…
And don't leave your mouth open becaues I've heard the Connecticut spiders will spin a web inside your mouth....
Anonymous said…
Oh and by the way, I started caring about running naked in front of boys when they started noticing - it's not our fault; it's theirs ... tee hee.
jm said…
There is a song by Dar Williams "When I was a boy" that references a time when she rode her bike with her shirt off and a neighbor told her to put it on and she said, "NO WAY!" Love Dar Williams. Love reading your blog, cdoc!

PS< In Finland and Sweden I swam naked all the time. Everyone there does. It's definitely a cultural thing.
cdoc said…
Thanks for all the spider comments... I woke up from a nightmare yesterday morning, surprisingly about spiders.

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