Snail Mail

I think this area takes the term "snail mail" too seriously. My wonderful mother has taken on the task of sending me all the things I couldn't take on the airplane. In the first package, she sent two of my quilts, one my grandmother made and the other my friend made. She sent it right away because she knew how much I wanted them and that I would sleep better with them. Sixteen days later (eleven business days), I finally got the package! I understand that I am a long ways from North Dakota, but that is just ridiculous. And when you are homesick and wanting something that reminds you of home, it seems to take forever. She already sent the second package, I might get it by springtime!


Anonymous said…
I better make sure to send your birthday gift in Dec. so you get it on time ... although it would be the first time I ever worried about getting it to my family on time. OHHHHH, this time I can use the MAIL as my excuse. Brilliant.
Anonymous said…
Got nothin to say.
Anonymous said…
Hey Cuz!
I was just looking at your sister's blog and saw you had one I thought I'd stop by. Visit my site anytime! Sounds like you're having a good time in to you soon.
Anonymous said…
Hey stranger,
Saw you had a site so thought I would take a look.
Keep in touch!!
Anonymous said…
It looks like my computer is ailing from a little snail mail because all the blogs you've posted recently haven't gotten to my computer yet... The last one I can find is 3 days ago. Hmmmm.....

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