Good Day

Today was a good day. Don't get me wrong, the little girl was still a pain in the ass. But for the first time since I have been here, I feel like we are making progress. She started out her day with a huge temper tantrum and while this may sound bad, it was really a good thing. It was the only time the mother has said no to her daughter and then disciplined her for not listening. While she did not stay in the time out, I take it as progress on the mother's part, it isn't easy telling your child no when she is crying. The little girl is finally starting to show me some respect, which is a great feeling. This morning when she lied to me about something, I looked at her with a sad face and told her that when she lies to me, it hurts my feelings (the best method I have found for dealing with lying). She looked right at me and told me she was sorry... progress. When we got out of the car today, I told her to take her coat. She looked at me and told me in a snotty voice, "You take it!". I looked at her, raised my eyebrows and said "Excuse me?" and she replied in a respectful tone, "Fine, I will take it."... progress. We spent the day telling each other knock-knock jokes, copying everything each other was saying, singing the frog song I taught her and smiling and giggling together. And after dinner, when I told her goodnight, she gave me my first real hug since I have been here... progress. And while the mother would say it was a horrible day, filled with temper tantrums, snottiness and whining, I call it a good day. It is only proof that if you teach a child what boundries not to cross and discipline them when they are wrong, they will respect and like you more for it. And at the end of the day, I am a good nanny... she told me today that she didn't like her last nanny, that she was mean... she told me she likes me, that I am not mean... progress!


Anonymous said…
Congratulations! I know that you can win her over.
Anonymous said…
Glad that you won't have to kick her. . .yet.
Anonymous said…
I would have kicked her anyway ... just for good measure.

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