What would you do if you were President for a day?

I ate at a restaurant yesterday and on the placemat they had questions that were used as conversation starters. One of them was "what would you do if you were President for a day?" Since then it is all I can think about. I don't know if one day is long enough to reverse all the wrongs that this President has done to our country. Assuming that I would have full power as the President and wouldn't have to pass things with the other powers that be, my list is endless. As I started thinking about it, more and more things popped into my mind. I would definately need to stay awake for the full 24 hours and not bother with eating, bathing, etc. Tasks would need to be given to as many people as possible so I could cover as much ground as I could. I would hire my sisters as my aides to help me out with everything. The first thought was the war, I would end that... then the environment, I would put us on the Kyoto agreement, toughen all the pollution and emission laws, stop the drilling in the ANWR for good, solve as many environmental problems as possible... then there would be women rights, EVERYTHING would be equal, pay, job opportunities, etc... and on that note, equality in EVERYTHING for EVERYONE no matter sex, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc... then abortion rights, I would put in a supreme court justice that was pro-choice and make it so abortion is a legal choice in every state... then what about the death penalty... and human rights issues... poverty... economy... and on and on and on and on.... if I were President for a day could I really change all the things wrong with this country? I sure as hell would try. They obviously didn't think putting this question on a placemat would consume ones mind as it has mine.


Anonymous said…
I'll tackle education. Just give me the go ahead.
cdoc said…
It is yours. Together, the Doc sisters would make this country really great!
Anonymous said…
OH, the power, the possibilities ... except we're gonna spend the whole 24 just fixing what the Pres has f----- up. To get started, I'll find a S.Ct. Justice for replacement. And while we're at it, let's just boot a couple of others and replace them. I"ll get started on writing some stringent environmental regs. OH, and don't forget to get rid of that tax cut for the rich. That's just the beginning....
cdoc said…
jdoc, education; bdoc, supreme court justices and environmental issues (and writing all the bills cause you are good at that); that leaves me and jdoc to take on a few more major issues and then to assign some jobs to others. Why do they pick just one President? They should do it as a team, 3 Presidents, 3 VPs, and so on. Think of how much more could be accomplished... but only if they are on our side because if they weren't, they could cause even more damage, frightening! Again, the doc sisters would make a great political team!
Anonymous said…
If I were Pres. for a day, I would require that both my sisters blog every single day for my pure enjoyment.

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