so tired...

I didn't expect to be so tired! I knew that I would be working with children all day, which is always exhausting, but I am more tired than I expected! I am sure it has something to do with daylight savings time, a time change and getting up early. Or maybe it is spending all day with a crying baby and a little girl that is so energetic! The little girl was even in school for half a day and the mother was home for most the day and I am still worn out. But I must say, I love it!


Anonymous said…
I'm so glad that you love it. I bet you'll get accustomed to the time changes and all the other changes and it'll get easier. I feel exhausted lately and all I've had is a one-hour time change - SHEESH.
Anonymous said…
I second bdoc's notion. It's probably some emotional exhaustion as well.

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