1 am, no sleep and nothing to say

1 am. I can't sleep. I am not sure why. Maybe its because it is storming outside, the wind is howling and when I wake there will be a foot of fresh snow on the ground. Maybe it is because I have a lot of people on my mind, ones I haven't seen in months, years. Or maybe it is because I don't want to sleep. I am having a lot of dreams lately, not bad ones, but ones that make me get lost in the thought the next day. And sleeping is lonely. I turn off the lights, it is dark and I lay there thinking of all that I am missing out on this far away. And when I don't have to wake up at 6 am the next morning and work a 12.5 hour day, it is nice to stay up late simply because I can. And at 1 am, the house is quiet, no crying baby or whining 5 year old, it is almost like I am here alone. I know if I read a book or turn on the tv and lay down, I will eventually fall asleep. But I am trying to keep myself busy, hence the entry about nothing. Sometimes I feel like I have something to say, but it turns out that I don't. So goodnight to all that are on my mind, I hope to see you soon, but until then I will see you in my dreams.


Anonymous said…
I am right here with you...normally have to get up at 5am, but not tomorrow, so I stay up late just because. But I think that throws off the interal cycle in my body, and I am tired all day Sunday even tho I get 9 hours of sleep. And then it is even harder to get up on Monday.
Anonymous said…
Goodnight, love you, see in soon.
Anonymous said…
Oops. It's late here too. See YOU soon.
Anonymous said…
Good night, love you, see you in the morning. Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite. If they do, take a shoe and beat them black and blue ... or until they poo (like AJ would say).

I will see you THIS WEEK - 5 MORE SLEEPS!!!!

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