Flu shot hoax

When I started working as a nanny I had to get a flu shot. Doctor's orders for anyone around a newborn baby. Great. Last time I got a flu shot, I got the flu. I worked with children for 4 years and one year I decided I should get one. They say for some people, when you get the flu shot, you may still get the flu, it just won't be as severe. What do they know? They can't tell how bad it will be. Well, I think I have the flu again. And I am not talking about the stomache flu that everyone thinks the flu really is (it's not, although I had that since the shot too). I am talking about the real flu, influenza. I had all the symptoms, the aches, cough, headache, stomache ache, had every single one of them. It is suppose to last 7-10 days. Yep, that seems right. Today is the tenth day and I am finally feeling better. Still a little congested (in the nose and chest) but I am feeling about 99% better. So I don't know about all of you, but I think the flu shot is a hoax. Maybe it works for some, but not for me. I rarely get the flu, in fact the only two times I can remember having it since I was in high school is when I got the flu shot. So I am done with it. Next year I will take my chances of getting the flu without the shot. Which by the way, I hate shots.


Anonymous said…
I've been on the flu shot hoax side of this debate for years. I've never gotten one and I don't plan on it. One year I debated because I had THREE SEVERE colds that year - all the symptoms were there. I was miserable. But then I started my daily dose of vitamins and my infusion of much vitamin C and ecchinacea when feeling down and I really haven't been that sick since. I've had colds, but they aren't as severe - kinda like what they say about the flu shot. I think I'll stick with the natural stuff ....
Anonymous said…
I read about avian flu in my magazine last night and I'll take all the shots necessary to avoid that sucker. Read up on it somewhere. Totally frightening. One in 20 will die if and when it arrives. Shit.
cdoc said…
That is scary! And since they found it in someone in Iraq, how long will it be before one of our troops brings it back. I will get shots for that too!
teacherwoman said…
I will have to somewhat agree with cdoc on the shot. I have only gotten it once, and had mild symptoms of the flu afterwords. I do find it interesting though, that in the last few years, I have rarely gotten sick, even with the cold and I work with kids all the time. I have only been sick once in the last two years and I have worked with kids the whole time. I think it has a lot to do with how you take care of yourself with proper nutrition and daily exercise!

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