Crib Sheet Challenge

I have a new exercise for everyone. It's called the Crib Sheet Challenge. As a baby, S2 (who turned 5 months yesterday) spits up a lot, so her sheet was covered in spit up and needed to be changed. Here is how my thought process went yesterday as I did this exercise. "Time to change the sheet. First take off the dirty sheet and crib liner (aka mattress pad). Done. Next put on the clean crib liner. Sounds easy enough. I got on 3 of the corners, now the 4th. Does this even fit the mattress? Pull harder. Damn, my hand doesn't fit in these slots, how do I do this? Lift the mattress. Can't do it, I'm too short. Pull harder, almost there. Got it! Great. Whew! Damn, that was just the liner. Now the clean sheet. Okay, I can do this. Pull out the crib from the wall, that will make it easier. 3 corners down, now the 4th. Damn, this one doesn't fit either. Okay, here we go again. Ease it on. Pull the sheet. Little by little, okay, almost there. I got it on the corner, now I just need to pull it down under the mattress. Ouch, cut my knuckle on the bar, wish these slots were bigger. Almost done, almost. Got it!" 20 minutes later, covered in sweet with bruised and cut knuckles, I was finally done. That long for such a little task. The whole time I went through this process, S2 laid on the floor laughing at me. I would laugh at it too. Understandly the slots between the bars can't be bigger because they don't want the baby to get hurt. And they can't make the sheets bigger because they need to be as tight to the mattress as possible so the baby doesn't pull them to their face and suffocate. I get this. But why do they have to make it so damn hard? I am telling you, it was a cardio workout. My heart was racing, I was sweaty, it almost took more out of me than the 30 minutes I spent on the treadmill last night at the gym. I recommend this exercise to anyone looking for a cardio exercise. And good luck!


Anonymous said…
Like this entry v. much.
Anonymous said…
V. funny cdoc. I wish I could have been there hanging out with S2 laughing at you...
cdoc said…
Thanks. You would be laughing bdoc until you tried it, then you would be sweating too! And I would be laughing:).

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