Another dumb idea from the Bush administration

"Things are pretty bad when, instead of fearing that our government is lying to us, we hope that it is."-- Editorial in the Salt Lake Tribune.

Last Friday the Bush administration announced 300,000 acres of national forest (85,000 acres in California alone) that could potentially be sold to make up for logging cutbacks on public lands. This is ridiculous. Once again shithead's administration is trying to do something to benefit themselves, shocking, I know! Maybe if we wouldn't have spent all of our money fighting a war that had no point to begin with, we wouldn't need to come up with stupid proposals. The administration actually said, "In general, these are not areas used frequently by the public and valuable in terms of wildlife." Oh, so that makes it okay for us to destroy natural beauty? And if any wildlife lives there at all (and obviously there is), then it is "valuable in terms of wildlife." And what about plant life, does it mean nothing? Oh, I forgot, plants do nothing for us, so let's get rid of them. Oh wait, except for oxygen, food, medicine... but those things aren't important. Sometimes I think that Bush's goal is to destroy as much of our environment as possible before leaving office... and if that is the case, it is the only time we can actually say he is doing a good job. Bdoc, what does this mean for MT? Do they want to destroy some land there too? Yesterday was a day of love, today a day of hate, because I hate the Bush administration.

Sale of public lands proposed


Anonymous said…
I agree that cutting the forest needlessly is wreckless, to say the least. I love the wilderness areas.
I would point out though that the war was not pointless. We may not agree with the reason - but it clearly was to secure the way to continue the dual use gas/oil pipeline that Unocal is putting through Iraq.
Cutting trees and securing pipelines is all about energy. We Americans are energy gluttons, and the administration is just trying to supply our adiction.
If we stopped/limited our ways, thier actions would become pointless and may stop.

Anonymous said…
I hope that you Never/Ever build a house, or let any of your family build, or add on to their houses... Horrible "WASTE" of resources... It's ok to "HUG" on trees, but unless you are willing to let you entire family now, and in the future move in with you, you may want to figure out how/where they are going to live... Maybe space, the final frontier... What is "YOUR" solution
Anonymous said…
Hmm. Interesting comments. Clearly, you have hit a nerve, cdoc. Well done. If "tree hugger" is what they have to throw at you, at say embrace the term and the tree.
Anonymous said…
Your entry was very interesting. And I am not saying that it is right to be doing what the Bush Administration is doing, but sometimes we have to look at the big picture. I do agree with it not being necessarily the right thing to do, but if it isn't, someone needs to speak up with the right answers. We can bitch until we are blue in the face, but unless someone comes up with the solutions to global warming and destroying our forestries, and many other topics, what can we do? I do hate how our society is so focussed on making things bigger, better, and just looking for ways to make more money. It is not just the Bush administration, but corporations as well. Their all in it for the money. Let's lash out against them while we are at it! How about stupid people becoming parents, what do we say about that? There are just some people that shouldn't be having kids (especially when they have 5-8) and leave it up to the teachers and school systems to basically raise them and teach them things they should be learning outside of the school. There are a lot of things to be angry about with our society....but what do we do...I could go on and on, just like many do, but there isn't anything I can do about it...if there is I would like to hear it!
cdoc said…
Welcome controversy! And thank you for calling me a "tree hugger", it is a good term, not a bad one. Goes well with my bumper sticker from my sister that says "Treehugging dirt worshipper". There is a lot I want to comment on, so there will be more to come on this topic. Perhaps a new entry tomorrow on the issue. Thanks for reading my blog and for sharing your opinions!
Anonymous said…
I'm proud to be a tree hugger. However, that makes neither party right. On a positive note, the bald eagle may be coming off the endangered list soon. Maybe good news.
Anonymous said…
I can bitch and I can offer solutions, many of which have been ignored by the leader of this free country and the example by which our country seems to think it must follow. Global warming, overpopulation, corporate greed and scandal are only a few of the issues that have plagued this administration throughout its entire tenure; only to be ignored consistently throughout its entire tenure. Solutions are offered and have been offered over and over again -proven solutions to the global problems we face. Global problems that affect everyone, tree huggers or not; ones that could claim an entire human race if we let it. Our quality of life is slowly eroded at the rate we are extracting resources and using water like it grows on trees (pardon the pun).
But yet, the solutions offered continue to fall on deaf ears. WHY? Because the person to whom everyone looks for examples, the one who leads the richest country in the world (rich in what? I ask), the one to whom everyone looks to lead the good fight, would rather change environmental regulations to make it easier for corporations that already make more money than GOD so he can continue to get campaign contributions and kickbacks from his supporters. He'd rather put our men and women to war to fight the battle he lied to us to begin and he continues to put our men and women to battle for the oil to which he claims the US is addicted but for which he continues to hypocritically gain profits and "favors" from the contracts he has with the devil (oil companies). He would rather cut Medicaid and Medicare so my grandmother might not be able to get the help she needs to get the care she needs in a nursing home so that he can make up for the multi-trillion dollar deficit he's broken records to build. He'd rather sell off our public resources so that he can make the corporations more rich (timber industry) and so that we can conitinue to live in our cement-paved, oil-driven, consumer-oriented society.

We have our own obligations to this world. I would bet cdoc continues to uphold her obligations though all you might read about is her frustration. This tree-hugger lives in the best way I know to leave as little trace as possible on the world except for the example I lead. But when complaints and solutions are offered that continue to fall on deaf ears, who is to blame then? Will you still stick up for this administration?
cdoc said…
Well said, bdoc, I knew I could count on you to say all the things I didn't know I wanted to say. I too will live the best I can to leave few footprints on our home called Earth. And I will do my best to teach others how to do the same. I have worked with too many children to count for almost 5 years and I taught them all about recylcing and about Earth Day. What they did with that information, I don't know. But I did my best and I will continue to do so.

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