What we can do

Another news article on the topic of selling land. My entry yesterday recieved much more attention than I anticipated. I use my blog as a way to say what is on my mind, which is often venting. Since I am in a strange place, I spend much of my time brushing up on news, especially environmental news, which is why it so often ends up the topic of my entries. I am sorry that I struck a nerve in some people, it was a much bitchier blog than usual, however, it is my blog, so I will continue to use it to say whatever seems important at the time. As for the war, I understand that our administration is trying to supply our demand for oil, but that does not make war okay. I will always view war as pointless, not matter what the reason. And as for what we can do, there is so much we can do. It worries me when people think there is nothing we can do for our environment. It is all about the little things. If every person in the world, or even just in the U.S. for that matter, did one little thing to help the enivornment, it would make a HUGE difference. In terms of building/remodeling a home, use recycled products when you can. Use non-toxic paints and carpets. Put in solar panels. Use appliances with the Energy Star label. Put in compact flourescent light bulbs. Other things we can do, buy a hybrid car or the most fuel efficient car possible. Walk or ride bike to work. Recycle, recyle, recycle. Use organic or natural products as much as you can. Turn off the lights. Unplug appliances when you aren't using them. Turn down the heat and put a few extra blankets on your bed. Turn down the air and open your windows and use fans. Celebrate and teach about Earth Day (April 22). If we picked just one of these things to do, we would make a difference. I don't just bitch about the things wrong with our environment, I do my best to help. I sign petitions and send letters to my senators about environmental issues. I try to raise awareness on what can be done. I got the family I live with to start recylcing, although that often means digging through the garbage to find the recyclables. I take their clothes to be donated so they don't throw them in the garbage (which they have done since I have been here). I also persuaded the family to buy some organics and I buy recycled toilet paper and face tissues for my room, as well as a lot of organic and natural bathroom/beauty products. I do wish I could do more, but I do what I can for the situation I am in. But I will do more. I will volunteer this summer for environmental groups in Connecticut. When I buy my own car in the next year I will make it as fuel efficient as possible. And when I do eventually live in my very own place, I will make it as eco-friendly as I can. I don't bitch without also doing my part. Everyone can do something if they just tried. It is people that think nothing can be done that are making the environment worse. So change your attitude and do one thing better for the enivronment; for your children; for our future. It will make you feel better about yourself. "Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead


teacherwoman said…

I know when we lived together I drove you crazy with the recycling and I should have helped out more with that. I need to get back into doing that. Like you said, all the little helps. If everyone does a little in their own way, it will add up tremendously. I do agree. I know that this is your blog and you intend to use it for speaking your mind and so forth, and with that, I am glad that you don't take the responses too personal. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. We have had many "debates" in the past....and being the friends that we are, we have been able to walk away from them still talking to one another! I am proud that all you do for our environment....keep informing us all of the things WE can do to help! I would love to hear more of that!
Anonymous said…
Proud of you cdoc. Couldn't have handled that better myself.
Anonymous said…
I am very proud of you also. You have taught us a few things about recycling and helping out our environment. I want to help make this a better world for our children and grandchildren and I will support you in everything that you do and I know you are doing the best that you can.

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