
We got slammed with snow and lots of it. I am not sure how much is out there, but I know there is about 3 feet on the patio furniture. We probably have about a foot and a half, but with the way the wind blew it around, it is much deeper in some areas. And the problem we are facing is leaving the house. We are not sure we will be able to, not even tomorrow. The father is out of town and will not return until late tomorrow night. The mother and I are wondering what we can do. They have a snow blower, but we don't know how to use it. If we do use it and break it, the father will be furious. We can shovel the snow, but with it being as deep as I am tall in some spots, that will be quite the task, especially with their huge driveway. The snow is really wet and heavy, it is bringing down tree branches and I simply don't have enough upper arm strength for this kind of snow. So when the mother and I try to tackle the task, I don't know how far we can get. I strongly believe that a woman can do whatever a man can do; I don't think that if the father was here that he could even tackle this driveway. Of course he would use the snow blower, but even with it he would be out there for HOURS cleaning the driveway. So the task of actually shovelling it could potentially take the whole day. And we don't have the whole day, it is still snowing and blowing like mad out there, so we will have the remainder of the day whenever it decides to stop. I am voting for a sick day tomorrow, we all just stay here, wake up at 8 am and go out and spend the whole day shovelling. But since the mother's work is quite demanding, she isn't for that idea. Which means I will be shovelling today instead of laying in bed watching movies as I planned. I won't make her do it all by herself, although the thought did cross my mind.


Anonymous said…
It's your day off, seestar. But I understand the dilemma. Extra pay? I think so.
Anonymous said…
Alright - I will settle down about my last two days moving, hauling, packing, moving ... and then ... unpacking, packing up AJ's stuff, moving it, unpacking again - 2 twelve hour days and I'm exhausted. I couldn't wait to come to work today so I could get a break ...

Maybe you can get paid though??
Anonymous said…
OH AND - maybe this is what you've been asking for ... just the moisture we need.

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