
I don't know how many of you watch the television show Related. I enjoy it. It isn't the best show out there, but it is good none the less. And with the WB combing with the UPN next year and it being in its first year, I am not sure it will make the cut. But it makes me laugh and reminds me of my sisters. It is a show about 4 sisters (Ginny, Ann, Margie and Rose) that lost their mother about 14 years ago and are dealing with their father's new marriage, their love lives and now, as last night's show was about, the loss of the oldest sister's unborn child. Being me, I, of course, cried through most of last night's show. First because Ginny lost the baby. Then because she didn't know how to deal with it, or more so didn't deal with it at all. Then because she took it out on her sister Ann for having an abortion years before and told her that she at least had a choice, but she wanted this baby and didn't have a choice. But in the end, what made me cry the most was the bond of sisters. What a wonderful thing. Even though Ginny said something terrible to Ann, she forgave her because that's what sisters do. When Ginny returned to work the morning after losing her baby, her sisters didn't try to tell her it was a bad idea, they just walked her to work, because that's what sisters do. When it had been a long day, Margie didn't want to be alone, so she asked Ann to sleep in her bed with her, and Ann said "of course" and grabbed her sister's hand, because that's what sisters do. And through the whole show all I could think about was how great it would be to live in the same place as my sisters so when we need each other, we can be there in an instant. My sisters are always here for me with their love and support, but it would be even better in person. I am sure this show won't win an Emmy and it may not even be on next year, but I will watch it and think of my sisters. And no, my eyes are not filled with tears as I write this blog, that would be so unlike me.


Anonymous said…
Won't deny it - bleary-eyed and pain in my throat. I heart you sisters.
cdoc said…
Wish I could jdoc, I think about it everyday. I heart you both too.
Anonymous said…
I am not really that emotional, but would you knock it of cdoc!
cdoc said…
Yeah right Ddoc. We get our emotional side from you!

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