And so are the days of my life.

My day was okay yesterday (except for the excruciating pain I was in for most of the day), but my evening and night sucked. First, L tells me that P's parents (the dreaded grandparents) are coming today. Fine, they won't be here until really late, so I only need to put up with them until around 3 pm tomorrow, when they will take Baby S with them and my work day will be done early. The problem, however, is that they don't know I am leaving. I am not sure how to work this, do I pretend I am not leaving and act normal? That could only blow up in my face when they find out, acting pissy to me because I didn't tell them when I saw them (but I may never see them again after this, so this may be the best option). Or, I can be an adult and tell them I am leaving. They do love me, so maybe it would be nice to hear it from me. Or, P may tell them today so they know before they get here, which means they could be even more unbearable and harder to put up with because they don't want me to go (I have been told by they grandmother that I am part of the family and she hopes I stay until they no longer need a nanny). All options seem to suck, so most likely I will say nothing unless they say something to me and face the wrath if they find out. Second thing that went wrong, I spent about 5 hours yesterday online picking out photos of the girls that I want made into prints. You have to crop each of them to a 4x6 format before you can order them (otherwise they do it for you and they suck at it) and I had 173 images picked out (2 scrapbooks, some to frame, plus ones in case I screw up and need another photo). When I went to go order them last night at 10:30 pm, they somehow were erased and it now says I have zero photos in my cart. Fine, I didn't cry, I didn't get that mad. It happened, I have to do it over, whatever. I don't really have 5 more hours to spare, but oh well. Then last night I couldn't fall asleep. I kept thinking about all I need to get done, most of it ASAP. I finally got up, made a to do list, thinking that might help. It did, but that was at 12:30 am. I finally fell asleep and then tossed and turned and had weird dreams all night, so I woke up feeling drunk from my complete lack of sleep. So today is not off to a good start. Baby S woke up early, when I was trying to sleep more. Then fell asleep when I was finally ready to get her up and feed her, of course. Now I have about 3-4 hours to clean up my VERY messy room before the cleaning ladies get here (I don't expect them to put my things away, just to vacuum and dust is more than enough) and finish about 4 more things that should really be done today, along with taking care of a baby. Simple. And bitching done, I can now check that off my to do list.


Anonymous said…
So sorry Cdoc. Hang in there....

You can check "Garner Sympathy" off your list too cuz you've got it from me....

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