"George W. Bush thinks of himself as a conservationist"

Before even reading the article that goes along with this, I was laughing my ass off. Bush a conservationist? Yeah, and I am a republican. He thinks that because he drives hybrid and solar-powered cars and his home has solar panels and his ranch has some protected land, suddenly he is an enivronmentalist. Don't get me wrong, the fact that he does this is wonderful. But doing these things doesn't make up for all the other things he has done wrong. I would provide a list of his environmental faults, but they are too numerous to list or even count. I mean, this is the man that thought global warming didn't exist and now has only changed his view to believing it exists, but that more research needs to be done before we change our ways of living. I am long from calling Bush an environmentalist or even a conservationist, but if he wants to think that he is so he can sleep at night, feel free. Most of us know better.


Anonymous said…
I don't even know what to say about this. Does he think saying it will make it true? Does he think we're so naive that what he says, we'll believe? Hasn't he learned by now that whatever comes out of his mouth is automatically doubted by most of the American public? His ratings are as low as any President EVER. Is this his way of making it up to us? Oh dear. He really does take us for ignorant naive blind followers. I don't know what it would take for me to call him a conservationist but it would have to start with putting a halt to drilling for oil in ANWR and the Rocky Mountain Front. That would be a START.... OH and how about he start to put a little more than pennies from the big money bucket into developing alternative energy sources. THEN I might reconsider what I really think of his "conservationist" ways. Or maybe he could start to listen to the 100% of peer-reviewed scientific journals that agree that global warming is here and now and we'd better start doing something right now or we could be in dire straights in less than 50 years. NOW THAT might convince me a little more ...

For now, I'm still reserving a lot more colorful names for him than conservationist.
Anonymous said…
So many names to call him, so little time. I'm saving this 'C' word for someone else.

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