Things that go bump in the night.

My work day ended early today, at 3 pm. The family, along with the grandparents, went to Long Island for the brother's engagement party/reception (they are getting married in Italy). They offered for me to go along this weekend, but I turned it down, thinking of how great it would be to have the place to myself for a weekend. I enjoyed it during the day, eating dinner while watching television in the family room, with no worries about being "caught" in a room that is supposed to have no food. Now, it is night and suddenly I am not enjoying it as much. This house is 5700 sq. ft. and 3 floors, that is a lot of hiding places for the boogie man. So for the next couple nights, the environmentalist is being an energy glutton. I turned on 4 lights on the main floor, 2 on the second floor, and one on across the hall from my room, along with the 2 night-lights in my room. Why so many? Did you read the part about 5700 sq. ft.? That is a lot of house, I need lights on so I can get from one part of the house to the other with enough light, which requires all the lights I turned on, I checked to make sure. I have always had a fear of the dark, but along with my fear of water, it is more about the unknown than the actual dark (or water), you never know what is lurking. I will be able to handle it, it is only 2.5 nights alone. But in 1 month, it will be 10 nights alone with Baby S when the parents are in Italy for 16 days (my parents will be here for some of it). I will deal with it, one night at a time. UPDATES: The nanny the parents offered the job to turned it down, she did not want to wait 2 months, she wanted to start now. So it is back to the nanny hunt, which means once again I don't know the exact date that I am leaving, which sucks. And the grandparents know, the grandmother confronted me. She said she thought I would stay at least 2 years. I told her I missed my family and also needed a job with health insurance. Clearly wanting me to stay in their lives, she told me that I could work as a photographer for the father and grandfather's business and then I would have health insurance, even though she didn't have a job to offer since it is not her business. The grandparents put in an offer today for a house, with a closing date of November 30th the latest, so maybe the parents won't need a new nanny if the grandparents move up here in time, so we will see what happens.


teacherwoman said…
I am sorry about the boogie man! I don't like him either! I have been alone here in my apartment for a week now, but it isn't quite 5700 sq. feet... not quite! :)
I live alone so it's okay, but I can walk from the bathroom on the far end to the living room on the other end in about twenty steps. :)

Don't let the boogie man get to you. He craves fear the most not encounters. :)

I don't think the grandmother has any business talking to you about that stuff. You should tell her to eat it. And health insurance is a wonderful thing. I have two policies because I like it so much. *grin*
Anonymous said…
The boogie man has now made a cameo appearance in my DREAMS!! He's a clever one that Em-EFFER! When AJ was out of town for the past week, I had crazy weird dreams - one of which included me POSSESSED and screaming at the top of my lungs at the doctors and family in my room. Thankfully, my dog barked to wake me up as I must have been making weird noises in my sleep and he was having none of that .... I'm sure that scared the Boogie Man away too.

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