New nanny

Last night I met the girl that will potentially be the girls' new nanny. I didn't want to like her for obvious reasons. Even though I met her for only a minute, my gut tells me I can like her and trust her. She was very nice and really seemed interested in the girls, trying to talk with S and make her smile. She wasn't uncomfortable with the girls or with the parents or with meeting me. She doesn't speak English very well, but you can understand her. And she is able to understand things when explained to her, which is most important, especially since I will to spend a week training her. She is unsure if she wants to wait until the end of October to start working, so she is going to let the parents know this week sometime. But whether or not she takes it isn't the only thing she needs to worry about. The father (P) doesn't really like her. He is hard to please and he doesn't like very many people, so I take it as a compliment that he likes me. He claims that she doesn't speak well enough and he doesn't want that around their kids. I think he is just coming up with excuses. The fact is no other nannies will be good enough. From my understanding (and from what he has told me) is that he didn't like any of their previous nannies and he doesn't want a new one. And when they do get a new nanny, I think that person will be around for as short of a time as possible because the grandparents are moving back up here from Florida (another reason I am glad to be leaving) and they will then take over care of the girls. And according to P, the sooner the better. He says they only need someone new for 6 months, the mother (L) says 1 year. If I would stay around, however, I think they would keep a nanny. I hope they hire this girl from last night. I like the security of knowing when I am going to leave and that they have someone new. And no one will be good enough for P, so I think the decision will be up to L, and she likes her. If she takes the job, I will be done with work on October 27th. 2 months, 1 week, 4 days.


teacherwoman said…
It's nice to know that someone thinks highly of you as a person and as their childrens nanny. And, it is a good thing that your gut told you that you can like this "new nanny", especially if she is going to be the one taking your place.

2 Months, 1 week, 4 days...and you will be back in the Midwest... I will be looking forward to seeing you soon after that!

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