What do I do?

All week I have made some attempt to tell the parents I am leaving. It started on Tuesday, all night I tried to tell them, but everytime I was about to bring it up, one of the parents would leave the room or the baby got hurt, etc. Wednesday, I made plans to go to the neighbors when the parents got home, but I made an attempt to tell them anyway, but S was glued to my side. I kept trying to distract her with food and television, but no go. I could have just said "I need to talk to you parents, go away", but I know her well enough to know that would have only peaked her interest and she would never go away. Last night, I was SO ready to tell them. The father asked me to watch the girls for 15 minutes while he weed-whacked the yard. I said sure, thinking the mother should be home any minute and then I could tell her when he is outside (I decided that if I can't tell them both at the same time, I will tell the mother alone). I waited and waited and waited. Not only was it 8 pm by the time the father came inside (and after he went to shower too), the mother was still not home. I was fuming because he had me stay downstairs so late. I asked where the mother was and he then informs me that she won't be home until around 9 pm because she is getting her hair done. Great. I could tell the father alone, but I would rather poke my eyes out. I saw her briefly at 9 when she got home, but she ate something quick and then went to bed. I had promised myself that I was going to tell them by today, so I woke up with full intentions of telling them this morning that I want to talk tonight. Before I got the chance, she informs me that her mother, aunt and cousin are coming for the weekend and will be here before she gets home from work. Now I don't know what to do. I don't want to wait until next week for 2 reasons: the longer I wait, the harder it will be to tell them and next week won't be 3 months in advance anymore and with them being gone for 2 weeks in that time frame, I want to give them 3 months. Do I still them and let the grandmother distract the kids? Do I write a letter and say that we can talk about it next week, but here is what is up? Either way, I may ruin her weekend with her family. What do I do?


cdoc said…
One other problem with telling them next week: I told the neighbor that I sometimes hang out with that I was going to tell the parents this week, so she took it upon herself to tell her family, which includes a 13 year old girl. Next week the family is have dinner with their family, I am not sure of which day because they haven't decided on one yet (so it could end up being Monday). How long can a 13 year old keep a secret like this, that is the question? So the sooner I say something, the better. Advice?
Anonymous said…
Just do it. Letter. In person. You HAVE to get it off your shoulders. Don't worry about them. Worry about you.
Just tell them. Just because unexpected visitors are coming over, don't let them foil your plan. Your life is just as valuable and your time is just as precious. So, if you want your weekend to feel relaxing, tell them today.

Good luck.
Anonymous said…
You could tell the Grandma (that loves you anyway) that you need to speak with Mama P and that you need her to take care of the kids for a moment. That will give you some time to talk with Leah about it and then she can tell Phil. Tell her that you've attempted to talk with them for a whole week now (maybe longer) and it's been difficult to get all the starts to line up straight. So, anything will be better than the anticipation of doing it. Just think - 15 mins. of speaking to them (if that) and you'll feel a shitload better. It's worth it..... Good luck sis. I know you can do it!!! TODAY!!!
Anonymous said…
Ooops, I think I included names without thinking ... delete my comment if you must ;-) I love you anyway!
teacherwoman said…
You just got to do it Cdoc! Just pull her asside if you can't get them both and tell her. Tell her you have been trying to tell them all week but haven't been able to talk to both of them together. As far as writing a letter, I wouldn't. Letters can become too lengthly in attempt to not upset them, and they can be interpreted differently as well. You need to tell them face to face.
teacherwoman said…
P.S. Good luck! You will do just fine!
cdoc said…
Bdoc, it's okay you used names, using their first names doesn't give who they are away. Also, what I meant with the letter, I would write that I made my decision and would like to talk about it as soon as possible, I wouldn't give any details, just so they could set aside time to talk with me. But I will do it tonight, I have to. I am going nuts over this. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
Um. I'm luhud. I think I put my word verification in the wrong box. So funny. New nickname?
cdoc said…
I was wondering who that was:).

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