
Finally, it feels real. It feels like I am really going home. I told them that I have to turn down their offer. I also wrote them a long letter explaining how much I appreciate all they have done for me and how much I will miss them and their kids. L hugged me just because I gave her a letter. I will especially miss her, she was my only adult to talk to here and she never made me feel like I wasn't good enough. I gave them an exact date I want to be done by, Friday, November 17th. I will then leave on Saturday to drive back. I really am going home. Here are a few words Mr. Michael Buble sings best, but explains how I feel: "Maybe surrounded by A million people I still feel all alone I just wanna go home." "I’m lucky I know But I wanna go home I’ve got to go home." "Let me go home 'Cause I’m just too far from where you are I wanna come home." "And I feel just like I’m living someone else’s life It’s like I just stepped outside When everything was going right." "And I’m surrounded by A million people I still feel all alone Oh, let me go home." "Let me go home It will all be all right I’ll be home tonight I’m coming back home."


Anonymous said…
You will finally be back home where you should be. You have been very brave and have done a wonderful thing for yourself and the family you are working for. They will surely miss you as much as you will miss them, but we are all very happy to have you come back where we at least can visit you more frequently.
Good luck in your new venture.
I love you!
cdoc said…
Thanks Mommy!
Powerful words, mdoc.

Yea!!! I am so glad that you will be coming home.
cdoc said…
That is the date I will be leaving for sure, they told me there is no problem with that! So start counting down!
teacherwoman said…
Wonderful news! I love Michael Buble, and he is so cute!

I am marking the date in my calendar!
Anonymous said…
HOOOOORAAAAY!!! I'm counting the sleeps already!!! Love you and can't WAIT to see you.
Anonymous said…
Marking my calendar. Actually, our calendar.

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