Sick of being sick.

I have had a sore throat for over 2 weeks, often accompanied by bad headaches. It wasn't so bad that I couldn't stand it, I could still eat and function. And last week I wasn't feeling it so much because I was taking so many pain killers for excruciating cramps that I wouldn't have felt much other pain. Then last night my throat hurt so bad that it actually woke me up 3 times in the middle of the night. So today I decided to go to the doctor. It took a lot for me to do decide to go because I don't have health insurance and I am trying to get rid of as much of my debt as possible before I leave, as well as needing to buy a car. So the pain has to be pretty bad for me to cave. And then the doctor tells me what I could have diagnosed myself, "It must be a virus because your quick strep test is negative." I paid $105 dollars to hear that and that isn't including the 2 strep tests they do (one quick, one that is sent off). She asks if I have been taking any pain killers and I told her that last night Tylenol wasn't working at all. She said to take 2 Advil, which then I shared that it has been years since just 2 has worked for severe pain since my doctor back home has instructed me to take 4 for 2-3 days straight each month, again for the cramps. She then tells me to try Aleve. So I buy some and it has now been 2 hours since I took it and it hasn't even started to work, my throat hurts so bad at this point that it hurts to talk and I have a dull ache in my head. And I can't take anything else for another 6-10 hours, so I should sleep really well tonight. And I also doubt Aleve will help with the severe fatigue I told the doctor about, I slept for 12 hours on Friday night, 14 hours on Saturday night and then 8 hours for the past 2 nights, which clearly hasn't been enough since by afternoon I almost fall asleep while I am taking care of the kids. It is just frustrating because I pay all this money for the doctor to tell me to let the virus "run its course". Sure, it could be this, but she also said that it can take up to 14 days for it to go away. I have had a sore throat for that or longer, so it if is a virus, why isn't it gone? She must not be too confidant in her own diagnosis since she said that if in 2-3 days my throat doesn't feel any better or it starts to feel worse, I am suppose to call her and she will put me on antibiotics. I am glad I paid all this money to hear what my mother could have told me.


Sometimes doctors don't know anything either. We put our faith in them too much, I think.

I hope you feel better. In the mean time, try drinking tea. Here are some other home remedies I found on-line.

Eat garlic, yes, if you've read any of the other cures on this website you'll find that garlic is the leading treatment to many problems. It is because Garlic contains a antiviral and antibacterial agent. So eat your garlic, it's good for you. You can also get garlic pills, but I prefer the fresh garlic.
Now here is a little drink that will help sooth a sore throat. Add lemon juice (from one lemon) some honey, to a glass of hot water. You'll feel a lot better instantly. I actually like to do this, but I will put the lemon and honey in a chamomile tea.
Gargle with warm salt water.
Once you get rid of the sore throat, get rid of your toothbrush, it may give you the sore throat again, and you don't want to get it back, so time to go to the drugstore and get a new one.

Wrap your throat. Dr. Blaurock-Busch finds that a warm chamomile poultice, applied directly to the throat, relieves discomfort. To make the poultice, add 1 tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers to 1 or 2 cups of boiling water. Allow it to steep for 5 minutes before straining. Soak a clean cloth or towel in this tea, wring out the excess, and apply to the affected area. Leave it on until the cloth is cold. Repeat if necessary with more warm liquid.

cdoc said…
Thanks, you are awesome!
teacherwoman said…
I will have to agree with girl of approval on the tea. I never cared for it much in the beginning, but the second I start to feel out of sorts, I start drinking it! And lots of it! WARM! I suggest a HUGE glass every hour! Or as often as you can stand it...between running to the potty!

Hope you feel better have such bad luck with this kind of stuff...yucky...
cdoc said…
I drink lots of tea, not only when I am sick. It is now my drink of choice! Thanks for the sympathy.
Anonymous said…
And don't forget - kick the kids. They seem to listen pretty well when you do that ;-)
I've tried tea. It tastes like tree. I've tried all kinds and it still tastes as if I went to a park and licked some bark.

I don't get it.
Anonymous said…
cdoc, I'm not a doc or Dr. or anything, but from my experiences, I'm guessing this is all just stress-related. I hope that your countdown is helping releave your ailes.

You have many things to look forward to. Hope you are feeling better!

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