
Not only am I counting down Bush's departure as I mentioned in my previous entry, I am living countdowns right now. It's 8 days until one of my best friends comes to visit, 20 until my Mom and Dad visit and 79 until I leave here. I am trying not to focus on these things, trying to live in the moment, but sometimes it is hard when I am so looking forward to all of these occasions. But I am not forgetting to enjoy my time with the girls. Today was a rough day with Baby S, she was having a bad day. She woke up after a half hour of napping (she usually takes a minimum 1 hr. 15 min. naps) and decided to cry for over a half hour, I never did figure out why. When I finally got her to stop crying by rocking and singing to her (with her beautiful grayish-green eyes looking into my eyes), she made it very clear not to touch her or talk to her by crying or grunting if I did so. I kept reminding myself to take deep breaths, that she is only a baby and that I have limited time with her. It won't be too long before I won't be able to comfort her and wipe away her tears. And S and I laughed a lot today, it has been a long time since we did that. I forget sometimes that she is only 5.5 years old and she won't always understand and obey. She was tickling me and blowing on my stomache and I was laughing real laughs. She was laughing so hard she couldn't stop. Then we tried to hide together when her parents came home, but our giggles gave away our hiding spot. I enjoyed it. I have to make sure to share more of these moments with her before I go.


Anonymous said…
I'm really glad you're enjoying S more. It sounds like she's enjoying you more as well. Maybe your stress about being there is diminishing like the sleeps you're counting. And therefore, you can both enjoy each other a little more.

Can't wait to see you!!!
Make a paper chain! Countdowns are not complete without them! :)
cdoc said…
GREAT IDEA GOA!!! I love paper chains, I am making one right now!

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